Everything I used to generate $4.2M in 18 months

from digital products & services

Everything I used to generate $4.2M in 18 months

from digital products & services

And generate $60,000,000+ for clients 🤑

And generate $60,000,000+ for clients

Join the waitlist & uncover how to generate $200k+/Month with digital services & products

Making money anywhere in the world

Worldwide trips business class with my family

Bought my fiancee a Porsche

Speaking on world class stages

Over the past 2 years I've generated over $1,000,000+

every 5 months 🤑

My background

Started my first business at 17

Started my first physical location business at 22

Completely burnt out at age 26 (Wanted to give up everything)

Hired my first mentor in 2017 (Doubled my business within 6 months)

Started a marketing agency in 2019 (Since generated over $60,000,000+ for my clients with digital products & services)

2023 (Millions in profit per year)

But it definitely wasn't always easy until I learned this skill...

then my life totally changed

Maxed out credit cards

Hospitalised & Burnt out, Hired my first mentor

the following week

Why I'm sharing this?

Over the past 5 years I've generated over $60,000,000+ for clients and have generated millions in profit for myself personally in the process

Unlike others who quickly throw some new offer together because they NEED to make money, I'm cool. I could continue to go as I am and guarantee I add a few extra million each year

I no longer believe in creating something just for money, It must have a purpose to me, my vision and the life I want to live.

And now I have achieved a level of success that I feel worthwhile sharing (and a system that I have tested over and over to become replicable) I wanted to create something to level up with others who are on the same journey (*And also much further ahead*) where I can share whats working and provide you with a blueprint to work towards your own level of success.

Unlike many others who have only achieved a level of success themselves, I have done this over and over again for so many others in different industries

1) The best business is the one you can stick with

This is one of the most important decisions you can make when starting a business.

Most are setting themselves up for failure from the start with wildly complex methods that makes it near impossible to stick with.

Yes you may see some initial success in the beginning but I want you to build something that scales without having to worry when you want to take some time off

That's not to say hard word and dedication isn't needed because it most definitely is, but the different is you'll have confidence knowing you have a system dialled in without needing your time to scale with it

Anyone can make a few sales online, but if you want to get to $100k+ per month and keep it there, pure hustle simply wont cut it.

2) Building a limitless leads system (Own your data)

Once you have this in place your lead system is your next step

Think about this for a moment

When you look around at others who are in your industry and are way further ahead than where you are right now...

and If you break it down to the bare fundamentals...

What have they done, and why are they further ahead? 99% of the time it's NOT because they are better than you

But instead they have figured out that creating attention is key

They have more eyeballs seeing them, they have a method that gets those eyeballs interested, and a source that they can tap into to get more, whenever they need them

Once you figure this part out, everything gets so much easier and the stress of not knowing where or when your next lead will come in, slowly begins to fade away.

3) The ONLY 4 ways to grow your business

Now that you have a predictable system to generate awareness and leads into your business, growing it can be broken down in only 4 methods that actually exist

1) In-demand pricing:

Charging higher fee's for your products & services until the uptake in revenue is outweighed by the decrease in customers

2) More frequency

By creating a reason for your existing customers to buy more often so you don't need to continue to search for new one's

3) More customers

This may seem obvious but there is also a method of how to almost guarantee you can reach your customer target goal, one method is by becoming oversubscribed.

4) Increasing the lifetime value of each customer

This is when you focus on additional upsells and bolt on's to increase the spend per specific customer

Chances are you're only focusing currently on number 3 at the moment but I'll show you which one you should be focusing on next, and what Iv'e seen work from multiple different industries

4) Scale with automations

Now you have consistent sales coming in, how do take it to the next level without having your business take your time with it?

This is where automations come into play, your secret weapon to scale 🚀

They will stop the revenue rollercoster when you decide you need a break...

Remove your inconsistent client acquisition...

And provides you with the fulfilment of knowing you have a business that grows consistently and profitably

Is this a good fit for you?

This is NOT a good fit for you if

You haven't made your first sale online yet (If this is you, follow me on social for my free content, I still want to see you win, come back when you are ready)

You're not dedicated (I only wan't the 1% Club to include those who wan't to level up together. This isn't about ego, but I am a true believer that you can only reach your true level by who you surround yourself with)

This IS a good fit for you if

You are already making sales with online products & services (Even if you are thinking of pivoting your offer)

You wan't to get away with time trading time for money and install a predictable system

You know your business can grow, your ready to uncover the strategies you need and you are willing to put the work in to make it happen

Your ready to to climb the ladder though the 10 levels of the 1% Club and beyond

Be the first to know when we open the 1% Club for the

founding members launch

I'll also be sharing behind the scenes of what will be included and a few extra bonus's I uncover along

the way for those who join the waitlist.